Download PDF Off The Floor: A Manual for Deadlift DominationBy David Dellanave
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Off The Floor: A Manual for Deadlift DominationBy David Dellanave
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Off The Floor is the most comprehensive deadlift manual ever written, which will give you the tools and knowledge to finally put pounds on your deadlift and pack muscle mass on your body.
Off The Floor was written by consummate deadlift coaching professional and world record holder David Dellanave to be the ultimate guide to the ultimate strength builder, the deadlift. In addition to being a comprehensive manual on the king of all lifts, Off The Floor includes several deadlift strength programs, including the renowned Off The Floor program.
Here are some of the secrets revealed in the program:
- How the common mantra of "core training" is costing you pounds and risking your back health.
- What type of deadlift will widen your back, blow up your traps, and give you erectors like tree trunks.
- Not doing these lesser-known variations is easily costing you 25 to 50 pounds on your best deadlift.
- The truth about lifting straps – and it’s probably not what you expect it to be.
- Deadlifting for high volumes – the piece you’re missing.
- The one cheap thing you should add to your gym bag to nearly instantly give you jacked forearms.
- The deadlift variation you least expect is the one most likely to help your back pain.
- The weird-looking deadlift that might be exactly what you need to unlock greater strength.
- The key to perfect form that multiple world champion and freak of nature Dimitry Klokov knows, and you think is wrong.
- Why you must change your form when you progress from beginner to a more advanced deadlifter.
- How to deadlift more often – and put on more muscle – than you ever thought possible.
The manual is as comprehensive as they come, and includes information on:
- Sales Rank: #480317 in Books
- Published on: 2013-09-04
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 11.00" h x .29" w x 8.50" l, .70 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 128 pages
About the Author
David Dellanave is a lifter, coach, and owner of The Movement Minneapolis in the Twin Cities. He implements biofeedback techniques, teaching his clients, ranging from athletes to general population, to truly understand what their bodies are telling them. He writes articles to make you stronger, look better naked, and deadlift more at Dellanave holds several deadlift world records, including one in the Jefferson deadlift. He has competed in multiple strength sports including powerlifting and strong man.
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